
Sunday, October 26, 2014

Our Capitol

And my third post to catch up on my time away is a little different...Not in the woods but in Pennsylvania's Capitol building. This was for school...and we got to ride the train there! :) I can understand why it took 4 years to build and 21 years to decorate!!!

Out the train window... it was sort of a rainy day, as you can see.

And a random picture to tag on here :P The other day we watched a praying mantis laying her egg pouch. It was really awesome!


  1. Wow, I don't think I have ever seen a praying mantis laying her egg pouch! Did you just notice it happening?

  2. Yeah, I was collecting leaves for biology class when we found this in some weeds :P

  3. Neat pictures! I was at the Capitol several years ago but it's been a while.
