
Thursday, November 28, 2013

The Creation Museum

A month ago...yeah, a month :)....we took a trip to the Creation Museum in a 15 passenger van with homeschool friends. Their were 12 of us. Our first stop was Johnstown (the flood town), but I'll post pictures of that in another post :). Then we headed to Kentucky for the Creation Museum. We had an amazing time! This museum goes over.... (the 7 C's in God's Eternal Plan...)
And a couple other things.
(This is us out front)
 But first we saw a couple animals that were awesome.

And saw a couple things about archeology. What are you digging up?
The bones are what they found of what they think proves evolution....monkeys to people....see how many ways you can interpret those bones? Those could still be the bones of a monkey. They don't HAVE to be a monkey human, like some people say.
 Continuing on...

I loved this sign

40 authors, writing over 2,000 years, spoke the SAME MESSAGE.
Scrolls, discovered in the last century, confirm that the ORIGNINAL WORDS have been preserved.
Archeology has repeatedly confirmed that the Bible's HISTORICAL DETAILS are accurate.
Hundreds of BIBLE PROPHECIES have been fulfilled and none has failed.
Above all, the God of Truth, the Creator of heaven and earth, inspired the men who penned the words.

And mom loves this sign:
So first was the Garden of Eden (Creation)
Their was Corruption, then Noah's ark (Catastrophe)

Outside the museum their was a garden....gorgeous even in October!

 A rope bridge
 And a petting zoo!
 We fed the camel...

 And Erika even got to ride it!
 We were also at the Creation Museum as a family 5 years ago....and it was summertime and I got a picture similar to this...
 So this relives five years ago :).

 Oh no, it's a dinosaur!
 There was an awesome insect room....such big variety! I even found multiple insects that were my favorite color!!!!! (greenish blue)

You have no idea how hard it is to pack the Creation Museum in one post (even a big one :P), it was so amazing! We had a great time and hopefully this post sort of sums it up.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

500 Steps do I start after such a long time of no blogging? I've been so busy! And I have a lot I want to tell you about! Right now I'll just tell you about our hike at 500 Steps this fall. First of all, I have a lot of for those that love posts with a TON of pictures, you're going to love this post. Nature pics!

Me and Erika
AT in the corner stands for Appalachian Trail. 500 Steps leads up to the AT.
A steep climb!


This was a random shack that looked so picturesque! I loved it.

Okay, so you may have been wondering about the 500 Steps name...what does that have to do with it? Is it 500 steps? Erika counted 400 but we think she started a little late or something. But we at least know it's around 500 steps. Call us crazy but at every hundred steps we took a crazy picture and a normal picture of that hundred.

Actually, so we could take a picture of 500 also we just walked a couple steps and took our 500 pictures :).

Yes, I agree we are crazy :). But it was a great day for a hike and we had a lot of fun!
Don't even try to count the pictures... :)