
Thursday, June 13, 2013

A Day at my Grandparents house!

On Wednesday we set off with our cousins to our grandparents house, an hour and half away. We annually go to help them shell peas, and just to hang out there.
Perfect peapod lined with five perfect peas (in one pod I found nine good peas!)
Another thing we did was pick a few strawberries that my grandpa left for us to pick, and they were small, but super sweet! Dessert for supper was a strawberry pie! yum, the best☺
Beautiful lilies outside the house, and in a bouquet inside the house
My younger cousin enjoyed walking around inside and out, using her parents camera to take pictures of everything from flowers to, yep, dutch blitz cards when we played the game. It was fun to watch her.
In a hanging fern basket their porch was a nest with little birds in it! They looked so soft!

1 comment:

  1. I just started following your blog, I like it already! I like the picture of the lily!
