
Friday, February 20, 2015

My trip to Grenada

At the end of January I went with my dad to the YWAM base in Grenada, an island in the Caribbean. My dad taught at the discipleship training school on the character and nature of God, and I taught two mimes that they can use for ministry. I also got to see around a lot of this tiny island. We were gone for 10 days. 
Besides going just across the border of Canada (Niagara Falls) this was my first time out of the country. It was my first time to ride a big plane. It was my first time to teach a mime song. It was my first time to go snorkeling besides in a pool. It was my first time to eat the meat from a conch shell, eat passion fruit, and eat sugar cane. It was my first time to do a great many other things also! 
Going to Grenada with my dad was an amazing learning experience that holds many memories of places and people I will never forget! 

On our flight to Grenada we saw the sunset from the plane! It was gorgeous, and I loved flying.

On our first Saturday there we had some free time and so we went hiking. This flower is called sorrel, and you can make a juice/tea out of it. It's delicious.

The view from the top of the mountain we hiked up: 

The vehicle that we used most of the time to ride on the crazy roads there! (windy, up and down, animals along the road, speed bumps at any random place)


We got to visit some waterfalls....

and see a mona monkey named Jack. He sat on my shoulder! :)


Bathway Beach where we went snorkeling. We saw many different kinds of fish, a conch shell, other shells, coral, including brain coral, and sea urchins.


One of the staff on the YWAM base makes jewelry, mostly out of natural materials, and the things she makes are beautiful!

I was so sad to leave Grenada! One last look from the plane as we were leaving.

 In the U.S. once again!

It's so hard to share all that I experienced but hopefully you've gotten a little peek into my journey to Grenada and back!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Liberty Bell and more...

I know it's been awhile since I've posted and a lot of things have happened since then! So it might take me a couple posts to catch up with all the exciting things that happen at once. "When it rains it pours"... :P

event number one: ;)
We went to Philadelphia to see the liberty bell and independence hall and a couple other places. My camera battery died at the liberty bell though, so I didn't get many pictures, but you can check out my brother's blog to see more pictures. (click here) It was a really cold day but we had a good time!

 event number two: ;)
 I got together with some friends and we made food! We did a cooking challenge thing where we were given certain ingredients and had to make something without a recipe. It was an extra challenge because our stove wasn't working, so we had to use a griddle for some things...It was all so delicious!

And then some random pictures that I just felt like posting.... :P

I find eyes so fascinating, all the different shapes, sizes, and colors. This is my sister and I.

 I want warm weather!!!! :P

More later!