
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Beautiful pictures: Sunrises and Sunsets

These are some pictures of sunsets I've taken over the past several months.

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. -Psalm 19:1 NIV
Oh yeah, I guess this one isn't a sunrise or sunset. But I'm fitting it in anyway. :P A cool reflection.

And a couple of these were taken by my brother, Seth.

This is my last post for 2014! In fact, you will probably be reading this in 2015. :P Just think! I wrote this the year before you are reading it! :P Happy 2015!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Our Capitol

And my third post to catch up on my time away is a little different...Not in the woods but in Pennsylvania's Capitol building. This was for school...and we got to ride the train there! :) I can understand why it took 4 years to build and 21 years to decorate!!!

Out the train window... it was sort of a rainy day, as you can see.

And a random picture to tag on here :P The other day we watched a praying mantis laying her egg pouch. It was really awesome!

Bear Paw Lodge -a fun getaway

My second post...
With my dad's side of the family we stayed for a weekend at Bear Paw Lodge, a place near Trout Run we rented for the weekend. It was an amazing lodge with enough beds for 30 people! We did go hiking each day, along with playing games at the lodge and eating yummy foods. :)

(Prepare yourselves for many pictures :P)

The first day we hiked at the Pennsylvania Grand Canyon.

The second day we went to Little Pine State Park

And the last day we hiked up a random mountain :)

(and in case you had doubts, for the picture above I used a special setting on my camera:)...I was testing out different settings on the view, and I thought this one turned out interesting)

We had some fun family time!


Lake in the Clouds- a weekend with friends

I know my last post was 2 months ago... because I've been so busy with school and other things. I have some catching up to do I guess. :P Well, I'll post about three main things we did since then in the next three posts (counting this one)
So here are pictures from a weekend we had with friends at a lake house. We had a lot of fun in the kayaks, but I enjoyed the paddle board even more because it was my first time :) They also had a swan paddle boat thingy there; it made me smile every time I looked at it :)
It was a beautiful place to spend the weekend with friends...
One funny story about the kayaks: One time when I got out of an open kayak one of the others informed my that I had been sitting on a fish! When I turned and looked I found a minnow pancake flat where I had been sitting! It had apparently jumped in while I was kayaking...:) (ewww)
It felt like I was walking on water! :)


Saturday, August 23, 2014

Home - Jami Smith

A Heart of Green Beans

 My sister and I were cutting up a LOT of green beans we got from a neighbor recently. :) I guess we just got tired of beans after a while, so we made hearts :).
So this post is what the title said,
and a couple more things...
 consisting of a beautiful moon and ginormous mushrooms. :)

Oh and a couple days ago I got my braces off! yippee! I was so happy after three years of metal in my mouth :)


Friday, August 1, 2014

sort of random :P

Hello again the title says this is just a bunch of random photos, some I took outside while we were waiting for our turn on the plane ride (previous post).
Philippians 4:8
I love the scrabble tile words :) it's artistic and encouraging!

This bird was hopping around on the roof while we were waiting for the plane ride :)


Until next time!